Attendance Information Report an Absence 936-709-8529 Provide a Note for Each Absence or Tardy Please include the following information in the note: Student first and last name Student ID Date of absence or tardy Reason for absence or tardy Parent/Guardian signature Turn in all notes to the attendance office (located behind the main stairway on the first floor) before or after school, or during C Lunch. Notes are required for a partial day or whole day absence. Attendance Requirements for Credit According to state law students must be in attendance 90 percent of the time to receive credit. See pages 32-36 in your Student Handbook for more information concerning attendance requirements. Non-Attendance The following events will result in a student being recorded for non-attendance: Leaving campus for any unauthorized reason Arriving late to class by 15 minutes or more Failure to be in designated area for your class Attendance Forms If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the documents below, please contact the attendance clerk. Parent/Guardian Absence Formpdf Pre-Approved Absence Formpdf Attendance Clerk Melissa Debouchel ATTENDANCE CLERK Email Address: Tel: 936-709-8529 Visit website Visit website
Provide a Note for Each Absence or Tardy Please include the following information in the note: Student first and last name Student ID Date of absence or tardy Reason for absence or tardy Parent/Guardian signature Turn in all notes to the attendance office (located behind the main stairway on the first floor) before or after school, or during C Lunch. Notes are required for a partial day or whole day absence.
Attendance Requirements for Credit According to state law students must be in attendance 90 percent of the time to receive credit. See pages 32-36 in your Student Handbook for more information concerning attendance requirements.
Non-Attendance The following events will result in a student being recorded for non-attendance: Leaving campus for any unauthorized reason Arriving late to class by 15 minutes or more Failure to be in designated area for your class
Attendance Forms If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the documents below, please contact the attendance clerk. Parent/Guardian Absence Formpdf Pre-Approved Absence Formpdf
Melissa Debouchel ATTENDANCE CLERK Email Address: Tel: 936-709-8529 Visit website Visit website