Only under extreme, last minute emergencies will a student be approved to ride a different bus other than the one assigned to that student. Spending the night with a friend does not constitute an emergency. It is impossible to efficiently utilize our buses when taking into account each and every child’s outside school activity needs.
Transportation is a privilege provided for each child from home to school and school to home or daycare. If you will be out of town and know in advance, or if your child needs to go to another child’s home after school for any reason, parents should work out transportation issues together ahead of time. A parent will be required to pick up these students. If permission is granted for your child to ride another bus and all of the students assigned to that bus bus leave no room for extra passengers, only those students assigned to that bus will be given transportation service. Even with permission for your child to ride another bus, you still may receive a call from the school requesting a parent to come and pick up a child due to the lack of seat availability.
Permission will be granted only to the parent requesting a change in their child’s transportation service. Permission will be granted only to the parent requesting a change in their child’s transportation service. We cannot grant permission to the receiving parent for a change in another child’s transportation service. Students must have a signed Bus Service to Alternate Address Form signed by a campus administrator before the child will be allowed to ride the alternate bus to another student’s home.
If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the document below, please contact the front office.
Bus Service to Alternate Address Form